Purposity comes from the core belief that humanity finds purpose through generosity.

Everywhere around us we see people in need. We also see people who want to help others but don’t know how. We connect those dots through the power of technology.
School systems and non-profits in local communities let us know needs in your area. We spread the word to individuals near them who are willing to help. They click a link, see the need, and make a difference for someone near them. It may be the family next door who lost their home in a fire or the child down the street you didn’t know needed school supplies.
It’s easy. It’s simple, and it takes just a few clicks to make a difference in someone’s life. It’s the fastest way to impact your community, one need at a time. Download to start making a difference.
Want to reach out? Contact us.

Why Purposity?
Purposity isn’t just a tool. It’s a vision. It’s a vision of seeing the world as it should be. It’s the quest to connect neighbors and communities around purpose. It’s you helping those around you.
As a group of social entrepreneurs, from the very beginning we wanted to make something that mattered. The solution we envisioned needed to be user friendly enough that anyone could navigate it, but sophisticated enough to solve complex social issues. To bring this to you, we had to ask ourselves, “Is it possible to create a legacy that connects organizations and individuals in a meaningful way, unifying us all under the common quest for purpose?” Turns out, the answer is “yes”.
As the concept of Purposity scales nationally and worldwide, we see companies, nonprofits, churches, schools and individuals banding together, breaking down barriers, and uniting to help neighbors. We see the answers to complex social issues in each of you, our users and hope you’ll join us on this journey to build a legacy.
Our Team
Inspiring people to live generously and find purpose.
Blake Canterbury
Dr. Jamie Rife
Bill Walsh
Kevin Bell
Sara Lett
KJ Nelson
Shelby Schaefer
Our Board
Frank Blake
Erik Bjerke
Pete Correll
Tom Bell
Gunnar Olsen